• I few years ago I found myself in a desperate situation.  I have always had dogs, loved them as a Read More

I few years ago I found myself in a desperate situation.  I have always had dogs, loved them as a family member and I had never had much trouble training them into easy civilized house dogs.  That was until Lola, my American Bull dog Pit bull mix, she was a different case.  Like my previous dogs I got her at only a few weeks old, she was house trained instantly like my other dogs, never any accidents, crate trained and she appeared a quick learner.  I took her to work with me and she traveled everywhere as my co pilot.  But as she got older she began to exhibit nervous behavior and showing aggression towards strangers, kids and other animals.  There have always been many people coming in and out of her home, she lives with 3 other dogs and loves the kids and adult family members.  But her behaviors continued to get worse and as she was getting bigger I was no longer able to control her around strangers.  I am a 5ft short girl, she is much, much stronger than I.  One day the dogs outside were barking and when someone came inside the house with me she growled and jumped, trying to bite a house guest.  This occurred again.  It got to the point where I was afraid to have house guest unless she was in the crate.  She seemed like she wanted to show who was boss then she would calm down and be ok with my guest.  This was not behavior I could allow to persist.  I was worried she would really injure somebody and that I would not be able to control her even on a leash. 
I felt desperate and needed help, but the right kind of help.  Pit bull perception and attitudes are difficult to overcome even in dog trainers.  I came across Mayday Rescue and I saw their hard work with pit bulls so I reached out to them and they sent me to Anton Yablonsky.  When we had our first meeting I was relieved to find somebody not only knowledgeable but someone who could tell me he could handle my difficult case.  His attitude towards my Lola was great.  It is the most difficult thing to put your baby in somebody's hands.  Now years after she was trained by Anton Lola is still Lola.  A bundle of energy and she is still nervous but with Anton's training I can handle her and she knows it.  She is aware and looking for my instructions in her difficult moments.  He not only trained Lola but he had to train me as well! Among regular commands like down stay where I am in control of her, I also learned how to introduce her to guest, where I can be confident that she is comfortable and my guest are safe.  Thank you Anton.               

-Leah Cabrales
  • My dog Red was unadoptable and in a foster home for 2yrs, he hated men and feared woman. Even in Read More
    My dog Red was unadoptable and in a foster home for 2yrs, he hated men and feared woman. Even in the foster home Red was staying at, he would barked excessively at their son.  I had worked at the shelter and had always gotten along with Red, so I adopted him when I got my own home.  After a year of trying to train Red on my own he still did not allow anyone into my house. He would bark ferociously and lunge at any guest the entire time they were in the home.
I met Alec, the trainer at the Pet Expo. I was hesitant that anything could help my situation. I realized that unless this got under control I would not have a normal life and unwilling to get rid of Red.  On the first visit Alec gained my dogs respect he was not at all dismayed by Reds initial highly aggressive behavior and Alec quickly gained control. His confidence and calm demeanor won us both over. He had great patience with my dog and with me and showed me how to gain Reds respect and obedience. We have been working together for 8 weeks and the change in Red is amazing. I can now take my dog to the park and Red can sit calmly in the front yard. I can also have Red in a “down stay” for 3 hrs at a time and there is minimal barking at the door. My dog walks nicely on the leash and far more relaxed. I now can take my dog to visit with my parents and have people over without fear. Red rarely barks and if he does I can correct him quickly and effectively. Red is not perfect but we are well on our way thanks to Alec and Lorenzo’s dog training. With Thanks,
Alexandra Marciales
  • When I started training my dogs were very hyper. Especially Jake, he always ran up to people and scared them. Read More
    When I started training my dogs were very hyper. Especially Jake, he always ran up to people and scared them. He never wanted to listen. My little dog, Bella, was always barking at everyone who came over. She didn't listen either. But with training after four weeks, they are completely different! Jake isn't so hyper anymore and is more relaxed. On walks he stays right next to me and doesn't go after people or dogs anymore. Bella no longer peas in the house and can be around others and not be so scared. Leanna is amazing with dogs and Lorenzo's Dog Training Team is by far the best training I've had for my babies. It works and it's worth it! Thank you for everything!
-Erica Husband
  • We want to thank our trainer, Jason Pihl, for his excellent training of our cocker spaniel, Mugsy. Mugsy is a Read More
    We want to thank our trainer, Jason Pihl, for his excellent training of our cocker spaniel, Mugsy. Mugsy is a 5 1/2 yr. old rescue dog which we adopted, but was delivered to us with a muzzle. He was, and still is, a playful, loving dog; however he had severe aggression issues towards men. After Mugsy attacked several of our male friends, we were worried that we wouldn't be able to keep him. So we contacted Lorenzo's Dog Training for help.  We initially boarded Mugsy with Jason for training. After a few weeks, Jason brought back to us a better, well-trained Mugsy for us to continue with our training. Jason was very patient helping us learn the effective uses of
  • I adopted Scooby thru the 100+ Animal Rescue group. He got along great with our 9 year old doberman Nia Read More
    I adopted Scooby thru the 100+ Animal Rescue group. He got along great with our 9 year old doberman Nia and has always been gentle with the kids. He was VERY nervous around my husbandDavid though. We figured this would stop over time. David fed Scooby and walked him every night. I would have to get Scooby on the leash and then help him walk out the door but once out of the house he would be OK although still very nervous. Without a leash on David was unable to pet the dog at all and as he walked around the house Scooby would run and hide behind the table or move to the other side of the room. He also liked to hide in corners, or even in the shower, where he felt safe. If he was ever in a situation where he was backed in to a corner with no escape route he would really panic and look terrified. And one time tried to bite him as he had no way to get out. It was not a good situation for David or Scooby. He seemed to be generally a lot more nervous around men but certain men, including my husband, he was worse. Obviously my husband was nothing but nice to Scooby but obviously something from his past made him have this fear.
After a few months of this without seeing much improvement, we decided we needed some help and reached out to Betsy with Lorenzo's Dog Training. Betsy listened to our concerns… and gave us an overview of a plan for 6 weeks of weekly training for Scooby. She worked patiently with both David and I as we learned the correct way to hold the leash and the commands. She also gave us a lot of great advice for general day to day things that we could do to make Scooby feel more comfortable. Initially Scooby would not sit or lie down for David.. And would not let David walk behind him at all. Over the 6 weeks of training he has improved drastically. David can walk by him lying on the ground and he no longer runs away. We leave the leash on Scooby around the house and this way if he ever does have a lapse back to his old ways, one of us can grab the leash, put him back on his spot and correct him.
I really believe that Betsy (and Lorenzo's) training plan gave Scooby the 3rd chance he needed. There was only so much longer my husband was going to put up with having to tip toe around his own house with a dog running away from him every time he moved, and we were also worried it was unfair on the dog too. Now everyone gets along.. Scooby is improving more and more. I would highly recommend any dog owner with dog troubles, taking the time to do some training sessions with Betsy as it can really help out for both dog and family.
Helen and David McKenzie, and Scooby
  • I don't even know where to begin or what words to use that could truly express my gratitude to George Read More
    I don't even know where to begin or what words to use that could truly express my gratitude to George & all that he has done for me and my family. Our new puppy who was supposed to bring fun, happiness and playfulness to my home, brought division between my husband & I. And made my current dog miserable.
I don't even know where to begin or what words to use that could truly express my gratitude to George & all that he has done for me and my family. Our new puppy who was supposed to bring fun, happiness and playfulness to my home, brought division between my husband & I. And made my current dog miserable.  My husband was often frustrated & angry with the puppy as well as me for bringing him to our once peaceful home. He often told me it was him or the dog....telling me to find him a home, this was heartbreaking. Here's a little background.
I rescued a puppy. He and 4 other puppies were poisoned by the neighbor & was surrendered to the local vet. One sadly, died.  My heart went out to them & always working on emotion, once he recovered, I took home a 9 week old puppy. I already had a
  • We adopted Cooper from our local Rescue Organization who had rescued him from a high kill shelter that had picked Read More
    We adopted Cooper from our local Rescue Organization who had rescued him from a high kill shelter that had picked him up off the streets covered in ticks and fleas, skinny and running out of hope.  We immediately started looking for a professional trainer to teach us how to help him adjust to his role/place in his new “pack”, and “re-civilize” him.  Cooper has a wonderful personality, eager to please, a sweet and affectionate fellow, still a puppy at 1.5 to 2 years old, but he is also ...a 90 pound German Shepherd – capable of “loving me into a coma” with his exuberant licking and desire to be a lap dog.   He was jockeying for dominance and quickly took ownership of me as his new favorite and beloved toy.  Not only did he need to learn the basics of polite and safe behavior at home and out in public (heel, sit, lie down, stay, come, leave it, etc.), but also I needed to learn how to project an aura of “alpha” calm and confidence to him so he would accept that I occupied the dominant role, not him, and feel secure and confident with that. From the moment Emilio walked into our living room and started interacting with Cooper I could see he had the knowledge, the skill, and the inside track on dog psychology to teach us how to reach those goals and bring harmony, control, and willing cooperation to the new dynamic in our household.  And this proved to be absolutely correct!  After just the first week of training things improved dramatically, I could sit down on the couch without having my beloved but LARGE dog try to climb up on my lap and show his affection by mouthing me to pieces, I was no longer covered in slobber and could sit in a chair by myself while he would lie on the floor next to me happily chewing one of his real toys, not me, my shoes...  By the end of the 3rd week he knew how to sit, down, down stay, heel, leave it, etc.   Through positive, patient, clear, calm, consistent and self assured authority, my 90 pound puppy understood what I wanted from him and was eager and willing to comply knowing his reward was ample and heartyapproval and ‘at-a-boys from me.  By the end of the 5 weeks we now have complete confidence in him to follow our lead when we are out and about, and to respect our boundaries and house rules when we are at home.  He is much calmer and cooperative, because he knows what is expected of him.  Emilio’s teaching and training is responsible for this peaceful coexistence.  We just practice what we learned everyday and stay consistent in our expectations and in our manner of communication, and the unruliness and chaos is ancient history. I keep in mind what Emilio made clear straight out – Cooper is a dog, he thinks like a dog, reacts like a dog, and as smart as a German Shepherd is, he’s still a dog who has learned to live with humans through domestication.  His basic instincts, his mentality, and social behaviors and needs – the pecking order he observes -are canine.  Understand these and you can make yourself understood to your dog and he will react to you in a predictably canine way that you can anticipate and count on.  Emilio trained us to understand Cooper, how to communicate to him what we wanted from him, and he trained Cooper to understand and cooperate with us. We are very pleased with the outcome; the cost is very well spent time and money.  We very much recommend Emilio and know that we would never have gotten anywhere near this pointwith our beloved pup without his services.  Cooper is our ever-loyal dog, our best friend, a member of our family – we are the alpha members of his pack.   Thank you Emilio.  You are very good at what you do!
Joyce and Bernard L
  • Before training with Anya, Oscar and Lola were adorable but anxious, under socialized, and difficult to train. They barked at Read More
    Before training with Anya, Oscar and Lola were adorable but anxious, under socialized, and difficult to train. They barked at strangers, had accidents in the house, and pulled on their leash. They were destructible and almost seemed like they would un-learn what little commands I could teach them.

In just a single session with Anya she helped me understand my dogs and taught me how to effectively communicate with them. After our first session they stopped barking at strangers and learned how to sit and stay. After two sessions they learned to stop pulling on the leash, they were more focused, and they seemed to learn faster. Now they are well behaved, obedient, and much less anxious puppies. AND no more accidents in the house!
I'm so excited to take their training to the next level! While trying to train two puppies at the same time is a lot of work, Anya taught me how to break it down into manageable parts. I am so thankful for Anya and everything she has done for me, my babies, and the wonderful life I now have with them! Anya never judged me as a single doggy momma rescuing 2 puppies at the same time. She is always patient and works with me and my schedule. She's amazing and I already started recommending her to my friends after first session. Julie
  • We adopted a rescue dog at the end of November 2012.  He is a 7 year old Silky Terrier who Read More
    We adopted a rescue dog at the end of November 2012.  He is a 7 year old Silky Terrier who we were told had been given up by his owner due to excessive barking (she lived in an apartment).  In the four months that he was with the rescue, he lived in 6 foster homes and was adopted and returned twice.  When he came to live with us, we could see that he had some trust issues.  He was not comfortable getting too close or affectionate.  He definitely kept a
  • Anya has helped to change our whole outlook at our future with Rico, our dog. When Anya first came to Read More
    Anya has helped to change our whole outlook at our future with Rico, our dog. When Anya first came to meet Rico he was very misbehaved and disobedient. He had no respect for our family members or our home.
Rico ran through the house tearing things up and would break out of his crate to use the bathroom all over the house. Anya quickly responded to our cry for help and had such helpful advice to get us through until our first training session. After just one session we saw a major change in Rico's behavior. It was like magic! He was listening and for once not fighting to be the ruler of the house. We are now at over half way point through our training and we really have a whole new dog thanks to Anya and her professional, effective advice and techniques. We can not wait to see when Rico will be at the end of his training with Anya.
—Jason and Sonya
 Jason, Sonya, and Rico    Akron   Ohio
  • Hi James - Thank you so very much for your excellent training of Finn and for your kind patience with us Read More
    Hi James - Thank you so very much for your excellent training of Finn and for your kind patience with us as we learned to work with her.   You have taught us amazingly simple and effective lessons! You are definitely our
  • Before making the commitment with Lorenzo's Dog Training Team, we were faced with a difficult decision. Our 7 year old Read More
    Before making the commitment with Lorenzo's Dog Training Team, we were faced with a difficult decision. Our 7 year old German Rottweiler, Sadie was the
  • Lorenzo's Dog Training Team trained us well! When we adopted Penny, her rescue agency had already enrolled her in Lorenzo's Read More
    Lorenzo's Dog Training Team trained us well! When we adopted Penny, her rescue agency had already enrolled her in Lorenzo's Dog Training course.  They believed it would help Penny find a permanent home quickly, and they were right!
Penny was already learning basic commands and leash skills, which made our decision to adopt her much easier.  After adopting Penny, we made it to several more training sessions, but soon found ourselves missing sessions due to schedule conflicts, and also because Penny had been trained to an acceptable level.
Over the following 6 months or so, we noticed a slight decline in Penny's behavior, especially when meeting people and other dogs during walks, or when she played through the fence with the neighbors' dogs.  Since Penny is a mixed breed, with
  • Thank you Anton Yablonsky! I recently obtained Nero who is a driven intelligent 2 year old male German Shepard. He Read More
    Thank you Anton Yablonsky! I recently obtained Nero who is a driven intelligent 2 year old male German Shepard. He is the 5th German Shepard  I have had and assumed I would handle him like I handled all the rest.
Thank you Anton Yablonsky!

Well I had met my match and through a recommendation from the veterinarian I was fortunate to find Anton Yablonsky. Nero and I quickly learned that “our” behavioral traits were unacceptable. Under Anton’s skillful guidance, Nero responded immediately, me not so quickly. I learned that with Anton’s techniques the dog can be trained easily. but the secret to a good relationship with your pet is your training. Anton’s patience and perseverance has made that happen for me. While the program was structured around ten lessons, Anton was always available for questions that came up and even a few extra remedial sessions as needed.
In short, I believe Anton’s guidance for any pet owner would be a positive experience.
  • Emilio Marotta Executive Team Trainer Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team Dear Emilio: It was a year ago at this time that Read More
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