jasonsonyaricoAnya has helped to change our whole outlook at our future with Rico, our dog. When Anya first came to meet Rico he was very misbehaved and disobedient. He had no respect for our family members or our home.

Rico ran through the house tearing things up and would break out of his crate to use the bathroom all over the house. Anya quickly responded to our cry for help and had such helpful advice to get us through until our first training session. After just one session we saw a major change in Rico's behavior. It was like magic! He was listening and for once not fighting to be the ruler of the house. We are now at over half way point through our training and we really have a whole new dog thanks to Anya and her professional, effective advice and techniques. We can not wait to see when Rico will be at the end of his training with Anya.

—Jason and Sonya

Jason, Sonya, and Rico