Reann Phillips

Before joining Lorenzo's Dog Training Team, Reann was lost. She worked a 9 to 5 job and was unhappy with her life. Reann was born and raised in El Reno, Oklahoma. Dogs have been a part of her life from day one. As a young child, Reann was taught responsibility through their care and how to have fun at the end of the day when they wanted to play.

Reann learned about Lorenzo's Dog Training Team from one of the team's trainers, Coty Cortez, who motivated Reann into making the best decision of her life! Being able to work with the animals and save their lives sounded like a dream come true for Reann.

When Reann met Lorenzo for the first time, everything that she thought she knew about dogs has changed completely. Being a team member gave Reann a purpose she was looking for. Now she has the ability to save dogs' lives and keep them in loving homes where they belong!

Reann's biggest dream is that one day she can say that she helped save thousands of dogs and that she has left a positive impact in the world! Reann's goals are to achieve financial stability and provide her family with everything they could ever want or need. Besides training dogs, Reann enjoys drawing, painting, and playing the trumpet.