Tamara McKinney

Tamara was born in Ludwingshafen Am-Rhein, Germany. She moved to Tampa, Florida with her parents at eight years old. Tamara has had love for dogs all her life. She grew up with seven German Shepherds on her Great Aunt’s farm. Tamara had her very first dog at the age of eleven.

Tamara discovered Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team by learning about them from her friend, Whitney Wills, who works as one of the team‘s trainers.

Tamara knows that one of the main reasons why dogs end up in shelters is due to behavioral issues and she wants to help prevent this. Tamara’s goal, along with the team’s goals, is to keep dogs out of shelters and in happy homes.

Becoming a professional dog trainer with Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team gave Tamara a great perspective on teamwork and the value of a team. Tamara realized how important it is to be self-driven. She has a great desire to become extremely successful on this team, and to continue to learn more every day.

Tamara’s goal in her life is, as a part of Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team, to help thousands of dogs across the globe. She is dreaming of becoming a Master Trainer with Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team.

Besides working with dogs, Tamara enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, kayaking, and going for walks.