Nathan Pastore - LDTT

Nathan grew up in San Diego, California where he had a habit of adding a dog to his family every opportunity he had. His parents had to continually emphasize that he wasn't allowed to bring anymore dogs home, but time after time his love for animals caused him to forget his parents request.

Nathan had a short break from owning a dog while trying to figure out what he wanted to do for a career and going to school. With his passion for animals, this didn't last long. Kane, Nathan's German Shepherd, came into his life when he was asked to place a litter of puppies into homes when a breeder ran into an emergency. Nathan and his fiancé fell in love with Kane and decided his forever home was with them. Shortly after, they acquired another member of their pack, Maisy, an adorable 10 pound poodle mix.

Nathan has spent the last 6 years in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, but he found his dream career when he ran into Emilio, one of Lorenzo's Dog Training Team Coordinator's. When Nathan learned about the opportunity to join the team, there was no looking back for him. Nathan is now enjoying a satisfying career working with dogs to help families build balanced relationships with their pet and keep dogs out of shelters.