Anton Yablonsky Professional Dog Trainer


Anton was born in New York but traveled the world as he grew up before coming to Phoenix, Arizona in 2008 to finish school at ASU. Growing up, Anton had dogs as family pets, but it wasn’t until he moved out on his own when he was 19 that his true passion for dogs emerged.

Anton is an animal-loving activist and an advocate for dog welfare and well-being. He started volunteering with a local Phoenix, Arizona rescue group because he wanted to make a difference and help save dogs’ lives. It occurred to him one day while fostering rescue dogs that by training them he could rehabilitate the dogs with severe behavioral issues and directly increase the chances of successfully rehoming more of them. This was a powerful realization for Anton, and he truly feels that he is now actually rescuing dogs.

Anton spent the first six months of 2013 commuting from Phoenix to Las Vegas to help introduce new team trainer Manny Alonso to our referring veterinary partners there. He did this while still maintaining a full client roster in Phoenix. His dedication and energy are incomparable. His hard work enabled him to reach the benchmark of personally training over 300 dogs, which earned him a promotion to Team Coordinator and eventually Regional Director. He now manages an organization of team trainers in Phoenix and Scottsdale. Anton loves being able to share his experiences and knowledge with his group, and he really enjoys helping them grow.

Anton enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Megan. He also enjoys snowboarding, skateboarding, and painting custom sneakers. Every so often, he makes sneakers for charity or his friends.






Seemiller Family

Great job, Anton!!!

My husband and I received an 8-week-old puppy as a gift. Oh my goodness!!!! My husband has had dogs, but it was a first time for me. Having the puppy around, I was a nervous wreck. All the crazy crying and behavioral issues associated with a puppy — it was exhausting. We decided the only way to keep the puppy was to put it in school and hire Lorenzo's Dog Training Team.

I am very proud to say that our puppy, Shadow, is proof that Lorenzo's works. We have had her 4 months, and she is done with obedience training. She has no serious destructive behavior, she understands and performs the commands, and she is a loving puppy. Wow, she is only 6 months old!!!!

I would like to extend a personal thank you to our trainer, Anton Yablonsky. This achievement could not have been done without his patience and amazing skills. My husband and I have not met a more dedicated and compassionate person to put our trust in and to take care of Shadow.

In closing, investing in Lorenzo's Dog Training Team is time and money well spent.

All our gratitude,

The Seemiller Family

Gilbert, Arizona


Missy with Teddy

Anton had his hands full with Teddy and me — stubborn little dog, stubborn owner! However, he managed to teach me a lot about training Teddy and turned Teddy into a well behaved dog. I have actually had compliments on how well behaved Teddy is. Thanks, Anton, for showing me the way!!

Missy with "Teddy"


Karen Ledin

I adopted a dog from a local rescue back in May 2017, a St. Bernard at 150 pounds, that turned out to be a very aggressive dog. My philosophy on adopting a dog: you know it will have history, but you have to figure it all out - taking the dog back is not an option. Ti (his nickname for Tiberius) challenged me on this in a very, very serious way. He was great with me and my other dogs, but he was very aggressive to humans. He was 150 pounds, and I hated to say this, but he became, within a few days of adopting him, a (potentially) dangerous dog. (I didn't know any of this when I adopted him and was not told). I had a friend start to come up to the door after I said "come meet my new baby", and Ti jumped up on the screen door, pretty much covering the whole door, barking and growling. Obviously, my friend was terrified. On another day, he tried to attack one of my friends - lunging at her - but I had him on two leashes (I was afraid one would fail), and I was able to pull him back. I talked with everyone I could think of about what to do. I spent an hour with the vet asking him what to do. My philosophy kept coming back to me, and bringing him back to the rescue was tearing me apart. I also felt since I didn't know any of this when I adopted him, I would have to watch the rescue to make sure they included this in his profile going forward. If they didn't, I would have to take action. If they did, who would adopt him?? I emailed back and forth to the rescue as they continued to deny any knowledge of it. At one point, there was a 4-day period that I didn't hear from them, and in that time, I totally fell in love with Ti. Now, I had to figure out what to do, for real. I asked around about trainers and was eventually referred to Lorenzo's Dog Training and Anton Yablansky. When he came to the door, Ti was extremely aggressive (again, remember 150 pounds) and even made Anton nervous - I don't think he expected this level of aggression and the size of the dog it was coming from. I put Ti outside, and he kept banging his head on the doggy door to try it get in, and we were both concerned he may be able to do it. We had the initial evaluation (which was just that introduction from a distance before putting him outside). It ended up that Ti had to be taken away for 3 weeks with Anton for more intense training because of his serious aggression and size (I know I keep saying aggression, aggression, aggression, but that is to really get across the potential that was there). Anton was so patient with me as I cried when he took him away. I texted asking for pictures of Ti which he sent, and he even sent a video at one point. I would be crying, afraid that he would love Anton now and not me. Anton reassured me over and over that Ti would still love me. Anton was always available and attentive... funny and fun too - and always on time for appointments. He spent time with me and the dog, training us both. Today, Ti is great, obedient, lets people pet him, loves to be groomed in the bubble bath, had shots at the vet, have his paws looked at, have his temperature taken, and he was cooperative through the whole thing (and obedient). All this while I let him "be a dog" at home. He barely barks at the door. I am so proud of him. There continues to be weekend group sessions that are also very helpful. I have read some other reviews that talked about shock collars and the controversy around them. Anton did make me put my own fingers on the shock to see what it felt like. He taught me how to use it, but he also knows my hesitancy to use it. At this point, although Ti is sooo good, when we go out he still wears his prong collar and the shock collar. The only reason he wears it is for his protection should he decide to go back to his old ways. I have never used it. But also keep in mind that at this point, thanks to his training, a light pull on his prong collar is enough, and I rarely even have to do that. When my neighbors see him now, they are very surprised and even joke saying "did you put him on sedatives". LOL Ti is the best dog, and this would not have happened without Anton and Lorenzo's. Love and security helped too but would never have been enough given Ti's background - it turned out he came from an extremely high crime, very, very dangerous area in California and was passed around to multiple homes in one year - I was number 4 in that one year. I highly recommend Anton. I don't know where Ti and I would be without him!

Karen Ledin

Phoenix, Arizona


Bruce Anson

Thank you, Anton Yablonsky!

I recently obtained Nero who is a driven, intelligent 2-year-old, male German Shepard. He is the 5th German Shepard I have had, and I assumed I would handle him like I handled all the rest. Well, I had met my match, and through a recommendation from the veterinarian I was fortunate to find Anton Yablonsky. Nero and I quickly learned that “our” behavioral traits were unacceptable. Under Anton’s skillful guidance, Nero responded immediately - me not so quickly. I learned that with Anton’s techniques the dog can be trained easily. But the secret to a good relationship with your pet is your training. Anton’s patience and perseverance made that happen for me. While the program was structured around ten lessons, Anton was always available for questions that came up and even a few extra remedial sessions as needed.

In short, I believe Anton’s guidance for any pet owner would be a positive experience.

Bruce Anson

Scottsdale, Arizona


Nancy Overman

It was devastating the day that I found out my 10-1/2 year old Border Collie/Shepherd mix had cancer. Two weeks later, Rocky was gone. His sister, Jewel, and I didn't eat, we grieved, and missed him terribly.

After a suitable time elapsed, I started to look for a friend for Jewel at the Las Vegas Humane Society. I was told by the 6'4", 200-pound-plus, foster parent that Charlie walked well, so Charlie, 76-pound Australian Shepherd, became a part of our family.

I walked the two of them and found, much to my dismay, that Charlie barked at every living creature, pulled the leash, and wanted to run after these critters. Without hesitating, I went to my vet who had been advising me throughout our ordeal. Dr. Christianson of Durango Animal Hospital suggested that I obedience train Charlie using Lorenzo's Dog Training Team. I immediately called, and they scheduled an assessment for the next week.

This is when we met Anton Yablonsky. Within a matter of minutes, he had Charlie walking at his side and listening to him. I was amazed and impressed. Anton educated me about dogs and humans, and how they interact and how to be the alpha. He was very patient, friendly, and professional. You can tell that he truly cares about our four-legged friends and the people who own them. I learned that the dogs must respect me if I am going to be successful. It was obvious that Charlie and Jewel, for the matter, had me wrapped around their paws.

Over the next 4 lessons, I worked mostly with Charlie and noticed a significant improvement in his minding me. I walked each dog individually using Anton's techniques. Charlie stopped pulling and he rarely barks. I know that we will get to the point where the barking will stop. I have been learning what to do in different scenarios when confronted with other people, dogs, rabbits - you get the picture. While I am becoming the alpha, we are getting better at walking together every day.

In 4 short weeks, no longer did I dread the prospect of walking Charlie. And now, I have started walking the two of them together. I did not think that this was ever going to be possible. The training techniques work. I am a testament to that! Coupled with an excellent trainer in Anton, I had the winning combination for success.

I am so thankful that my vet recommended Lorenzo's and that they sent Anton to help me with my training needs. I strongly recommend their program to anyone who wants to have a well behaved, well mannered dog. And ask for Anton. You will be very happy that you did!

Nancy Overman

Las Vegas, Nevada



My little Milo was a very stubborn, aggressive, and under-socialized Dachshund. He was very protective of me and would try to bite anyone who came near me.

I called Lorenzo's, and they sent me their best, Anton Yablonsky. Within two (2) weeks, Milo had improved tremendously. I, myself, took longer to train. Anton is extremely patient with both Milo and me. He has made a wonderful difference in Milo's behavior and my ability to take control. Milo now meets new people and animals everyday. He is no longer afraid or aggressive.

Anton is a well educated trainer and is professional in this manner. He is dedicated to helping owners of dogs become the leaders to overcome any problem. When talking to Anton, you can tell he loves his job and wants only the best for his clients.

Cheryl Semple

Las Vegas, Nevada


Leah Cabrales

A few years ago, I found myself in a desperate situation. I have always had dogs, loved them as a family member, and I had never had much trouble training them into easy civilized house dogs. That was until Lola, my American Bulldog/Pit Bull mix, she was a different case. Like my previous dogs, I got her at only a few weeks old. She was house trained instantly like my other dogs, never any accidents. She was crate trained and appeared a quick learner. I took her to work with me, and she traveled everywhere as my co-pilot. But as she got older, she began to exhibit nervous behavior and showing aggression towards strangers, kids, and other animals. There have always been many people coming in and out of her home, she lives with 3 other dogs and loves the kids and adult family members. But her behaviors continued to get worse and as she was getting bigger. I was no longer able to control her around strangers. I am a 5-ft. short girl, she is much, much stronger than I. One day, the dogs outside were barking, and when someone came inside the house with me she growled and jumped trying to bite a house guest. This occurred again. It got to the point where I was afraid to have house guests unless she was in the crate. She seemed like she wanted to show who was boss then she would calm down and be ok with my guest. This was not behavior I could allow to persist. I was worried she would really injure somebody and that I would not be able to control her even on a leash.

I felt desperate and needed help, but the right kind of help. Pit Bull perception and attitudes are difficult to overcome even in dog trainers. I came across Mayday Rescue and I saw their hard work with Pit Bulls so I reached out to them, and they sent me to Anton Yablonsky. When we had our first meeting, I was relieved to find somebody not only knowledgeable but someone who could tell me he could handle my difficult case. His attitude towards my Lola was great. It is the most difficult thing to put your baby in somebody's hands. Now years after she was trained by Anton, Lola is still Lola. A bundle of energy and she is still nervous, but with Anton's training I can handle her, and she knows it. She is aware and looking for my instructions in her difficult moments. He not only trained Lola but he had to train me as well! Among regular commands like down-stay where I am in control of her, I also learned how to introduce her to guests where I can be confident that she is comfortable and my guests are safe. Thank you, Anton.

Leah Cabrales


Erika V

Had my German Shepherd trained by Anton. Absolutely one of the best decisions we made. My dog, Max, listens on command, on and off leash. We get so many compliments when we are out in public. People can't believe how obedient he is. When he is around other dogs, I don't have to worry about him pulling me. We sit and watch other dog owners where their dogs are pulling them and barking up a storm. Our uncle was so amazed that he hired Lorenzo's for his dog, and they said his dog is now a new dog. They couldn't believe their wild puppy was, well, no longer wild.

Erika V.

Gilbert, Arizona



Best dog trainer of all time! Getting Anton and Lorenzo's Dog Training Team was the best decision I've ever mad concerning my dog. Anton started by training me as the owner, which was key to the entire process and has helped me stick to the training to this day (almost 3 years later). My dog, Mobi, is s super hyper Golden Doodle, and he definitely likes to press the limits on what he can get away with. Without the training Anton provided, I can't imaging what my life would be like. I started training him right when I got him as a puppy, worked with him 1-2 times a day for 10-15 minutes as prescribed, and he is the dog I always dreamed of having. Not only can he sit, stay, come on command, and walk in heel position perfectly, but he can do a bunch of other cool stuff as well. He can pick up almost any object off the ground and bring it to me, hold onto his own leash, and we're working on getting me bottles of water out of the fridge on command. Mobi loves getting trained for new things, and I continue to push him which he enjoys immensely. This is all accredited to Anton Yablonsky.

If you want the dog of your dreams that behaves and listens, then Anton from Lorenzo's Dog Training Team is the way to go. It's worth every dollar invested, and it's definitely worth the 20 minutes a day it takes to work with your dog.

Rhett D.

Scottsdale, Arizona



My family and I adopted a shelter dog one year ago, and we quickly realized that we had taken on a tough dog with a rough past. We've had pets, including dogs, before, and we read the books and researched websites on training and proper introductions, but we were no match for our headstrong pup. Post adoption, our new dog proved to be very smart, rather pushy, and fear aggressive toward other dogs and some people. Despite our best efforts, he quickly took over the house. Our cats hid in fear, and our lives started revolving around the dog and his bad behavior. At one point, we stopped inviting guests over because his behavior was so stressful and embarrassing. We love our dog, but we were struggling. We didn't want to give up on him, and returning him to the shelter was simply not an option I could live with. I knew training would help, and initially we tried some other basic classes through other organizations. Our dog mastered the basic skills quickly, but that didn't help us with his dominance and aggression issues. We bought every gizmo, leash, treat, and toy recommended, but nothing really seemed to work. Our vet recommended Lorenzo's Dog Training. I was initially a little skeptical, but wow, these folks know what they're doing! Anton and his crew have been training and rescuing dogs for years, and he quickly picked up on the issues that we were facing. Over the last several months, Anton has worked to get our head-strong pup to settle into his role as 'dog' and not 'King of the House', and he's helped us be better dog owners. It has rebalanced our relationship, and while we still have more work to do, I am so impressed by my dog's progress so far. There are a lot of people who call themselves 'trainers' out there, but there are few that can match the skill, experience, and dedication that Anton and his team can offer. I wish we would have found them sooner!

Christina Hoch Snyder



I was referred to Anton by my vet. My 3-month-old Siberian Husky, Maverick, believed he was the pack leader and liked to prove this by biting anyone who told him "no". We received behavioral and obedience training from Anton and the change was awesome. Maverick came back a different and happier dog. What has been great is that I have this wonderful dog who loves people, loves to play, and I can take him anywhere dogs are allowed without any issue. Thank you, Anton and Lorenzo's Dog Training Team, for giving me an amazing life with Maverick!

Mandy Metcalf

Phoenix, Arizona



Anton has always exceeded our expectations to learn the right way to train our dogs. We are constantly complimented on how well behaved our dogs are and always tell everyone about Anton. Thank you, Anton!

Jeff Krueger



We love Anton! He is training (us and) our dog currently. The animal hospital my husband founded, and at which he is a veterinarian, has for years referred many clients to Anton and Lorenzo's Dog Training. He's a genuinely nice man, fun to train with, knows his stuff, and has a great style working with both dogs and clients! And he has some very well trained dogs of his own!

Karen Werner Nick

Phoenix, Arizona



One of the best knowledgeable trainers in the valley!

Anne Glick










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Palm Glen Animal Hospital

Phoenix, Arizona







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