Fabiola Alviso Professional Dog Trainer


Fabiola was born in Orange County, California. However, she was raised at the border of Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, California. At the age of three years old, Fabiola suffered a severe bite in the face by a stray dog. Despite the impacting injuries she sustained, Fabiola never lost the love or compassion for dogs.

Fabiola grew up rescuing animals from the streets and providing them with a loving home, which arose from her ultimate dream of becoming a veterinarian or in a field that involved animals. Once she graduated from high school, Fabiola pursued and successfully completed her Veterinary Assistant certification from PIMA Medical Institute. While working as a Veterinary Assistant, Fabiola once again experienced a severe bite from a dog. However, this only motivated and encouraged her to follow her heart and pursue a career in helping prevent unfortunate incidents with dogs similar to those she had experienced.

After working approximately five years in the field of Veterinary Medicine, Fabiola rescued a Belgian Milionis puppy which sparked a unique and special relationship that would change her life. Early on, the puppy, named Ganon, displayed many behaviors and needs for obedience training. It was at this time that Fabiola was introduced to Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team. While going through the training process with Ganon, Fabiola realized that she had a passion for training dogs and teaching people about their dogs' behaviors. Now a member of Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team, Fabiola has realized that this career is her passion and calling.

In her spare time, Fabiola continues to rescue animals. At home, Fabiola loves to spend time with her family, which is made up of her husband Edgar, Ganon, a deaf Miniature Poodle named Alvin, a special needs cat who goes by Winky, and last but not least, an active African Grey Parrot named Gayland. You can always catch Fabiola enjoying the wonders of Mother Nature along with her husband and animal family.






Aundrea Hirschmiller

The Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team is, in my opinion, extremely beneficial to any dog’s behavioral issues. My puppy, Briggs, is a Pit Bull/American Bulldog and sometimes hard to control. He doesn’t always listen to my commands, but the trainer that helped guide my dog into the right direction was named Fabiola. She was more than helpful with training my puppy. Each session she slowly showed me ways to keep the attention of my dog only on me and on nothing else. Fabiola is an excellent, very smart, experienced, and knowledgeable trainer in my opinion. The improvements that I’ve seen in my puppy, Briggs, in just a few weeks is unimaginable, and I don’t know if he would be this well behaved if it wasn’t for Fabiola. I loved how instead of telling me everything that I was doing wrong, she instead gave me tips of how I can work with my dog better. She physically showed me the best ways to handle my dog with a leash and with a training collar. And she verbally explained to me how and why everything would work. And it has worked immensely! My puppy, Briggs, although he’s not done with training, has come so far! And I’m so grateful for the Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team and Fabiola for all of their time, effort, and skills put into the training of each individual dog! I would recommend Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team to anyone, any day, if they needed guidance with getting their dogs' behavioral issues under control.

Aundrea Hirschmiller with "Briggs"

Spring Valley, California


Danyelle King

Best dog trainer in the world!!

Danyelle King with "Twix"

Northfield, Ohio


Carbajal Family

I can't say enough about the wonderful experience we had while working with Fabiola. Her work with our girl, Alea, showed amazing results within the first week. We knew our pup would do great from the day we met her and Ganon, and we became confident in handling our high energy puppy every week we met. With Fabiola's guidance, we now have a Doberman that we can trust while out and about and at home with our two young boys. Fabiola went above and beyond in taking care of Alea, and we are so thankful to have her as a guide as we continue to work with our 6-month-old Dobermam puppy. Fabiola's patience, ease in giving directions, and ability to foresee our needs ensured our training addressed all our concerns. What we probably appreciated the most was her including our 6 and 9-year-old boys in every training. Both of them are so confident in working with Alea because of it. We highly recommend Fabiola and Lorenzo's Dog Training.


Carbajal Family with "Alea"

Chula Vista, California


Welter Family


Welter Family with "Coco"

San Diego, California










San Diego Pet Hospital

San Diego Pet Hospital

Lemon Grove, California


Pearson Animal Hospital

Pearson Animal Hospital

San Marcos, California


Our Pet Vets - Bayside Veterinary Hospital

Our Pet Vets - Bayside Veterinary Hospital

San Diego, California


South Bay Veterinary Hospital

South Bay Veterinary Hospital

Chula Vista, California


Shampooch Pet Grooming

Shampooch Pet Grooming

Chula Vista, California







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