

Phoenix, Arizona

We would 1000% recommend Galen for anyone looking to have their dog trained.

She is AMAZING!!!

Vinnie & Andria

Glendale, Arizona

Galen is fantastic and her handling
of dogs and people superb.

Al & Kathy

Sun City, Arizona

Galen delivered the results we needed

in a very timely manner...

Jean & Brian Otte

Gilbert, Arizona



Galen was born in Illinois and raised in Wyoming, where she lived for 16 years. While growing up. her family always had a dog. It wasn't until Galen was 16 when she got her own, a Miniature Australian Shepherd, named Jesse.

For as long as Galen can remember, she has always wanted to train animals and started training horses at age 10. After graduating high school, she worked as a Vet Tech for two years where her passion for animals grew even more. This gave Galen the opportunity to contribute to saving lives and making a difference.

After moving to Arizona in 2014, her coworker referred Galen to Lorenzo's Dog Training Team to seek help with her husky mix, Nyia, who kept bolting out the door. Galen worked as a technician for another year until she met Lorenzo's Team Trainer, Alexander. Until then, Galen had no idea she could make a living doing something she felt so passionate about.

After training four dogs with Alexander, Galen decided to give her dream a chance and applied at Lorenzo's Dog Training Team. She has her sights set on becoming a Master Trainer and eventually contributing to the Mustang Heritage Foundation, where she will rescue and re-home horses in need.

In her free time, Galen enjoys riding and training her horses, hiking, snowboarding, and traveling when she gets the opportunity, but most of her time is spent with her own dogs, where there is never a dull moment! Galen is excited to be working with such amazing and supportive people here in Arizona, and she can't wait to change lives!






Christian and Ruth with Daisy

Getting Daisy, our German Shepherd, trained by Galen is one of the best things we could have done. Before the training Daisy was aggressive with everyone, even other animals. Daisy was only friendly to our son and us. We could not walk her either because she was always dominantly pulling us, full of energy, and she just would not listen. Walking Daisy was stressful and tiring. All of that changed after Galen brought her back from 3 weeks of boarding. Daisy is a new dog, she is much more calm, not aggressive, is obedient and it's great to walk her now. Daisy even gets along amazingly with our Chihuahua Mayo. We are really pleased with Galen's training, with our experience learning from her, and with her. She is nice, friendly, has a great personality and has always been able to help with any questions or problems we have. We would definitely recommend Galen and Lorenzo's Dog Training Team to everyone. Thank you Galen for helping us be able to enjoy our German Shepherd Daisy!!!

Christian & Ruth

Phoenix, Arizona


Vinnie and Andria with Bane

Bane was, and still is, a young, smart puppy. We decided once we got Bane that we would like for him to be certified as a service dog, and coupled with the fact that he would grow to be 100+ lbs., we were worried about how well he would be able to walk on leash with one or both of us once he was full grown.

When we looked into the boarding program for Bane, we were a bit hesitant to send him (the one thing that is closest to being our child) away for a few weeks. After a few discussions, we decided that it was not only in his best interest to be boarded but also for our future as a family.

Every time we met with Galen for a session while Bane was being boarded, we were never disappointed in the progress our puppy had made. In fact, the progress he had made reinforced our difficult decision to send him away to be trained. Galen was able to polish up some skills we didn't know he was capable of and make us feel confident in being able to handle a 100+ lbs. dog on or off leash.

He was always happy when we saw him and loved being around Galen. More importantly, she treated him the way you would want your dog to be treated, like her own. We would 1000% recommend Galen for anyone looking to have their dog trained. She is AMAZING!!!

Vinnie & Andria

Glendale, Arizona



Gibson was clearly very smart and generally affectionate, but he would bark and growl at strangers and, sometimes, even us. We assumed that this was normal and that he simply needed to be socialized. We took him to "Puppy 101" and he quickly learned the basics, but his aggressiveness towards visitors worsened. At the dog park, he was fearful and didn't want to socialize with the other dogs or their owners.

We understood how to use positive rewards to teach him to do something, but we were conflicted on how to train him NOT to do something like growl and snap at people. After he tried to bite one of our friends, we decided that we needed professional help or we couldn't keep him. An online search located several trainers in our area. We emailed three and, from their responses, we selected Galen.

Within minutes of arriving at our home for an evaluation, she had him fully under control as she demonstrated the training methods and equipment she used. She was gentle but firm with Gibson and patiently explained what she was doing, how she was doing it, and why. It was immediately clear that we were going to be trained as well as the dog!

She took Gibson for the first 4 weeks bringing him for a visit and work session after 2 weeks, and the change was remarkable. For the first tie he began to understand that he wasn't the ALPHA Dog. By the end of 4 weeks, he came home, and by that time, we had learned the basics of how to train and discipline him. As we went through the various exercises with him, Galen watched and corrected our many mistakes always in a gentle and professional manner.

We were so impressed. Within just a few weeks, Galen was able to change Gibson's behavior. She also gave us the training we needed to continue his training. Not only are we happier now, but so is Gibson!

Robert & Flora Conley

Goodyear, Arizona



Galen was recommended to us by Rottie Rescue as we were concerned about some behavioral issues we were having with Roscoe. The transformation we have seen in Roscoe has been amazing. Not only has he stopped the negative behavior, he is now doing commands that he refused to do such as sit and jump into a car. He is now more relaxed and confident and doesn't feel the need to shadow you around the house. Our other dog seems more relaxed around him too. She spent a lot of time with us explaining the commands and practicing with us until we got them down. Galen delivered the results we needed in a very timely manner and we highly recommend her to anyone that is needing help in transforming their pet into the ideal companion.

Jean & Brian Otte

Gilbert, Arizona



All we have been able to say about Galen and the Lorenzo Dog Training Team program is "WOW". We have a Golden Retriever puppy which wasn’t the typical Golden puppy. We had a Golden before so we know that they are high energy and needy for attention. Our Sophie was different. She was very aggressive and wouldn’t listen to us. We tried other training services and suggestions from people and nothing seemed to solve our issues of biting, jumping, and a lot of dominance. Then our vet handed us a business card from Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team and we made an appointment. Alexander and Galen came to our house with a dog, and we were very impressed with their dog and their handling of our puppy, Sophie, so we signed up for the program. Galen worked with Sophie and then she worked with us. We have joked that she switched dogs on us because the difference we are experiencing is unbelievable. Sophie is only 10 months old and so well-behaved. She is such a joy to have around the house. There is more time for loving because there is a lot less stress. Would we ever put another dog through their training, ABSOLUTELY. Galen is fantastic and her handling of dogs and people superb. We really believe she has found her purpose in life, and we are so excited that she is willing to share it. We will miss our training sessions but are so thankful for having made a new friend that helped us develop a wonderful relationship with our Sophie.

Al & Kathy

Sun City, Arizona


Sam and Taco

We adopted our Taco, he's a Chi/Terrier mix which was estimated to be about 1.1 months old, back in December of 2015 from the Arizona Small Dog Rescue. (My oldest son and I just went to volunteer and came home with him) He is full of life, extremely hyper, has the cutest floppy ears and is just a cutie. We've always been cat people so this was all new to us. About a month later we adopted Sam from the same organization, however, he was in a foster home. He's Lab mix who is very clumsy, lovable, curios and has the cutest little wiggle when he walks. He was estimated to be about 3 months old. As the days progressed so did their aggressive and dominating behavior towards us, the kids and the 4 cats we have in the home. I was completely stressed out and had second thoughts about the entire situation. I couldn't give up on them. That was NOT an option. I researched different trainings that were available through the local pet stores and online. I was trying to train them myself and got as far as sit and paw. Taco would lay down but wouldn't stay down. I used treats to do so. I said to myself, "what happens when the treats run out? I can't keep giving them treats to do as I wish"! After careful research through the internet, I came upon Galen with Lorenzo's Dog Training Team. I looked her up on Facebook and contacted, through private message, a couple of her clients. I was happy to hear back from them as they had all good things to say about her and her training techniques. I am happy to report that both Sam and Taco are no longer fighting for the "alpha" role. They have their moments, however, but once corrected they stop. She took Sam to board with her for 3 weeks. Sam came back a completely different dog. Taco went to her for 2 weeks with an overlapping week with Sam. Taco has come back a different dog. They are both more relaxed, listen to commands and just a joy to have. I don't worry about them hurting the kids or the cats. We still have 2 more sessions with off-leash training for the boys left. One tonight and the last one next week. My words can't justify the amazing progress these fur babies have made with Galen's help. I went to the Arizona Small Dog Rescue, and I almost made them cry because of the amount of work we've put into Sam and Taco to really become a loving and fun part of our family. We didn't give up on them. If and WHEN we decide to adopt another fur baby, I WILL be calling Galen for help. Oh, she really worked with us and our schedule to fit our training sessions in. She kept us updated while the boys were boarded and didn't hesitate to answer any questions or concerns we may have had. I, ABSOLUTELY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, RECOMMEND GALEN. We will miss her, Jesse and Cruze when our training sessions end.

Dawn & Jr. Lauton

Phoenix, Arizona



At our wits end, and desperate for help with our new puppy, Enza, we asked our Veterinarian for suggestions on what we should try. Our pup was adorable and very smart, but very hard headed and defiant. The Vet told us to call Lorenzo's Dog Training Team because they were very impressed with a demonstration they had just performed in their office. We contacted Galen Dudzik and from the moment she arrived to evaluate our puppy, we were amazed at how well she was able to communicate and gain respect immediately from Enza. Galen was very knowledgeable, professional, and friendly. Her training not only taught our dog to behave, it taught us how to be better dog owners. Galen was very accommodating to our scheduling needs and each new session was welcomed by both us and our dog. Her continued patience with both us and Enza is only surpassed by her professionalism, passion, and knowledge. We look forward to our next level of training and know that our dog does as well. Thank you, Lorenzo's Dog Training Team, for your wonderful program and techniques. Galen is a dog trainer with a big heart.

Daryl & Mary Lou

Surprise, Arizona



Thank you so much for all you did for our Amber. She is doing so much better. However, I do think Dave and I need to board with you for a week or so to be better trained ourselves!!! Amber is being very tolerant of our mistakes.

You have an amazing patience with not just Amber but with us as well. You made both Amber and us feel comfortable during our training sessions. We really appreciated that you were always available by phone for questions and made sure we had regular updates when Amber was with you. That included some great photos as well. You took great care in making sure Amber and her bedding were clean before she came home after boarding with you.

Your knowledge and professionalism gave us the confidence to know we chose the right trainer for Amber. It is so obvious that you enjoy what you do, and that you have compassion not only for the dog in your care, but for their humans as well!! You always encouraged us and never made us feel like we were “untrainable”. Amber caught on so much quicker than we did!

Thank you again so very much. Amber misses you and Jesse. I think she finds us a little boring at times! We look forward to having Amber do the more advanced training with you in the future.

We’ll stay in touch. Thank you again.

Carole & Dave Tees

Peoria, Arizona










Horizon Animal

Horizon Animal Hospital

Scottsdale, Arizona


Scottsdale Animal

Scottsdale Animal Healthcare

Scottsdale, Arizona


Indian Bend Animal

Indian Bend Animal Hospital

Phoenix, Arizona







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