

Atlanta, Georgia

Ariana Iacoboni is the friendliest, most genuine, and exceptional trainer there is!

She truly is a shining example of someone doing something that they love!!

Alina V.

Atlanta, Georgia

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I will never own another dog without having him/her trained by Ariana.

Brian & Natalie

Atlanta, Georgia



Ariana was born and raised in Broadview Heights, Ohio. From a very young age, she was always bringing home stray animals and would work her hardest to nurture them back to health. Growing up, Ariana had owned a variety of pets, such as reptiles, birds, fish, cats and multiple dogs. There was never a time where her home had anything less than two dogs.

After years of begging and saving money, Ariana purchased her own dog named Lola. She grew up dreaming of working with animals, but could never find a reliable job rescuing dogs. She then began to pursue an interest in working with children. At 22, Ariana graduated from Hiram College and began teaching Early Childhood Education. During this time, her brother had recently adopted Bosco, a sickly stray, from a shelter. After getting Bosco back to full health, many behavior issues started to arise. Multiple trainers later, Ariana and her brother finally found Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team!

After being exposed to the amazing results of Lorenzo’s training techniques, Ariana knew she had found the job she was always dreaming about. Learning about the psychology of dogs and the techniques to train them fascinated her. The personal experience of helping a dog she loved when she thought there were no more solutions was the only push Ariana needed to become a dog trainer. Many people are running out of solutions with their dogs and could even be headed toward euthanization. Knowing that Lorenzo’s training could save a dog’s life, Ariana couldn’t wait to start training dogs.

Other than spending time with dogs, Ariana has lots of other interests. She loves spending time hiking and being outdoors with her dogs Oakley and Lola. Ariana loves being active, but also enjoys relaxing while painting or watching movies. Although she has many interests, dogs are always #1!






Craig and Donna with Darby

Lorenzo's was a lifesaver for us. We took Darby there hoping to get her to listen to us. She not only listens to us, but she actually looks to us for direction. A huge part of that was her trainer, Ariana, and how she not only treated Darby, but explained everything to us. She not only expected Darby to pass the training with flying colors, she expected us to put in the work so that we had a dog that we could enjoy. You wouldn't believe her now. Thank you, Ariana!!!

Craig & Donna

Atlanta, Georgia


Judy and Howard with Buster

We are delighted! Prior to training, Buster was out of control. Now, Ariana has trained us and Buster. He is awesome! We are delighted with Buster and his awesome behavior! Thank you!

Judy & Howard

Atlanta, Georgia


Brian and Natalie's Riley

From start to finish, our overall experience with Lorenzo’s Dog Training was outstanding. Much of that had to do with our trainer, Ariana. Being first-time dog owners with a toddler, we wanted to make sure that our experience with a new puppy would be positive and felt that in order to achieve that, proper training was necessary. We brought Riley to Lorenzo’s when she was only 9 weeks old. Not knowing what to expect, we decided to board her which was hard given the attachment to our new puppy. At that time she wasn’t crate-trained, potty-trained, and certainly had no obedience skills. Ariana not only trained Riley extremely well in all facets, but also trained us on how to be responsible and positive owners. From the daily texts, to weekly visits at our house, we enjoyed every minute with Ariana. Riley is now 4 months old and very well behaved. As a result, we take her nearly everywhere we go. Whether it is going to work with my wife, taking her out to get ice cream with our family, or taking her for walks on or off the leash throughout our neighborhood, none of this would be possible without Ariana and the training “WE” received at Lorenzo’s. I will never own another dog without having him/her trained by Ariana.

Brian & Natalie

Atlanta, Georgia


Christine and Jasper

"Wow, I can’t believe this is actually the same dog!" I’ve heard this from friends and family for almost a month now since Jasper’s been back home. Another thing that I’m consistently being asked is, “Can Ariana train my kids to be this good?” Jasper went from a bossy, stubborn, snappy tyrant who was out of control to a calm and sweet dog that I can confidently have around other people and animals. For the longest time I couldn’t clip his nails without him having a muzzle on and my husband holding him down, but now Jasper allows me to do this effortlessly when I simply ask him to lay down in his “spot”. We no longer have to crate Jasper when guests come to visit as we can let them in the door without him jumping on or trying to bite them. Friends and family who knew Jasper before his training are shocked to see how much more obedient he is. Strangers have even complimented him on his behavior, which before I was afraid to let them near him. Also, I’m beginning to see a change in our other dog, Alyce. His new attitude and training is starting to rub off on her. Overall, our house is so much calmer and peaceful now that Jasper has been trained by Ariana at Lorenzo’s Dog Training. I am very happy to have Jasper in our family, and I fully recommend to anyone who is contemplating removing their dog due to snapping and bad behavior to consult with Lorenzo’s Dog Training first.


Atlanta, Georgia



Winston wouldn't even walk on a leash! He would refuse to walk and would flop on the ground. Now, thanks to Ariana, he doesn't even need a leash! I'm thrilled with what we've accomplished!


Atlanta, Georgia



Prior to training with Ariana, my sweet Doberman, Emmy, had been through several puppy and adult obedience classes. Each experience was more frustrating then the last. I had spent hundreds of dollars and well over a year training her to be obedient and respectful of people. Despite every effort, Emmy was still largely confined to the home due to undesirable behavior. Emmy was hyperactive, pushy, would bark often, and would constantly pull on the leash during walks. Her actions left me desperate for a solution. I needed to find a way to communicate with her and allow Emmy the freedoms she deserved. From the moment Emmy had her evaluation with Lorenzo’s Dog Training team she began her transformation into a calm, collected, and respectful dog. Ariana, gave me the tools necessary to communicate effectively with Emmy. Throughout our training sessions, I quickly learned how to calm her anxiety and work on basic and advanced obedience. Emmy took to the training beautifully. She was becoming the dog I always knew she could be. We enjoyed each training session spent together, and I was seeing real results with every lesson. She was coming out of her crate calm and quietly, she was able to sit and down stay for prolonged periods of time, her barking was under control, she was HEELING during our walks, and could even do as I asked of her in the face of serious distractions (other dogs, cats, crowds of people, etc). It was so amazing. Since completing our 10 obedience sessions with Lorenzo’s, Emmy is now able to ride along with me in the car, she frequents my friends’ houses, plays with other dogs, and visits the barn with me. She is able to visit the bank and any dog-friendly store I can think of. Emmy and I go on long, enjoyable walks, and she understands I am her trusty leader and friend. Lorenzo’s training methods and Ariana’s guidance was just the solution I needed to help transform Emmy into the dog of my dreams. I have a calm, confident, obedient canine companion and the highest respect for Lorenzo’s AWESOME dog training team.


Atlanta, Georgia



There were 3 huge milestones we met starting all the way back to the day we rescued our pit bull, Tigger:

  • FIRST moment: The overwhelming moment when we brought our 7-month -old Pit mix home from the shelter. “Did we make a mistake?” “Are we ready for another dog… for this dog?”
  • SECOND moment: The lucky moment we met a young man and his well-trained Labrador at the pet store, and he enthusiastically recommended Lorenzo’s Dog Training team.
  • THIRD moment: The amazing moment when we met Ariana and Lorenzo and within minutes they demonstrated with Tigger the positive impact of training and the importance of family training.

Training milestones… We watched, listened, learned, worked hard, ask questions, sent texts, had phone conversations, and we learned. Ariana taught our family to lead, to be consistent, to give praise and then to continue to reinforce the training every day. Ariana’s toughest challenge was training John.

The marvelous moment… when a neighbor said, “WOW… Your dog is very well-behaved.” And then asked, “Is that a pit bull?” Without hesitation, we said, “Thank you, yes she is a pit mix. Would you like to say HELLO?”

Training with Ariana Iacoboni and Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team was a great experience and well worth the investment to have a happy, well-trained dog. Ariana is incredibly talented and easy to work with… no matter how many times we had to repeat a skill or the many “what do we do if… " questions. As a family, we set house rules and boundaries and learned the importance of respect and consistent communication. Tigger works for verbal and physical praise so we do not need to have a pocket full of treats to have a well-mannered dog. We enjoy pleasant “pull-free” walks in the neighborhood and at work. During office time she holds a down/stay until she is invited to meet a new guest. The family road trips are great without dog slobber all over the windows. When it is time to play, Tigger is high energy with lots of bounce. She loves running with Emily, playing catch, and loves playing in the water. When it is time to relax or have family dinner, she holds in a down/stay position with ease. However she is very good at “puppy sad eyes” and making us feel guilty that we are eating. We are confident when we tell people she is a pit mix and her training collars are part of the training. Our neighbors are amazed when we do off leash training with her lightweight lead. Tigger maintains focus with all the distractions. We intend to participate in additional training in the future with the talented team at Lorenzo’s Dog Training.

We know that Tigger is a positive reflection of the breed, our family, and the training!

John & Pam

Atlanta, Georgia



After 2 years of one of my dogs passing away, we decided to add Ransom to the family. Forgetting what it was like having a puppy, we started getting frustrated. We even began questioning why we decided to do this. I remember the vet giving me a card for Lorenzo's, so I made the phone call. After giving them my information, I received a phone call from Ariana within minutes to set up an evaluation at my house. When meeting Ariana, we discussed all of the negative puppy behavior such as getting into everything, chewing, biting, house training, and even terrorizing my 12 year old lab, Cheyenne. After just one week of training with Ariana, I was speechless that this was the same puppy! We knew immediately we made the right decision. Throughout the training sessions with Ariana, she did a great job keeping us up to speed on the process with Ransom. Every session I found myself shaking my head in disbelief this was the same puppy. Up until Ariana worked with Ransom, I always thought my other dogs were "trained." By the time the training was done, my idea of a "trained dog" has completely changed. Thanks to Ariana, I now have a 12-year-old lab and a 5-month-old lab that can both lay together and even play nicely without the crazy behavior from before. Thank you, Ariana, for the amazing results! We will never question our decision to get Ransom again!

After Training: I took Ransom for a walk today in a park by me. So many compliments on how well behaved he is. I even told a couple that had a 6-month-old lab (that was off the hook like Ransom WAS) about Lorenzo's and the great job you did. Thanks Ariana! He's a joy to walk. Cheyenne and Ransom are playing great. When it’s time for them to stop, I put Ransom on his spot/down-stay to relax a bit and it really seems to be working. You're the best.


Atlanta, Georgia


Bryn and Hank

I had the making of 2 great dogs. Leo is the leader, tough, funny and smart. With tough, funny, and smart came some bad habits, such as barking a lot in the yard when someone came over. It drove my husband crazy. So crazy that he really didn’t want anything to do with the dogs. Spencer is sweet and didn’t have any obedience training at all. I was never strict with him and gave him too much freedom. He did whatever Leo did, including barking. He had anxiety when he wasn’t right with Leo. It was hard to take Spencer somewhere without Leo, even to the vet.

So along came Ariana... We decided to have her take Leo and Spencer. Leo gave her a run for her money. He likes to be in charge and she saw that quickly. He eventually came around and really started responding well. Sleeping in the kennel, heeling when walking, and staying in his spot. Spencer pretty much just went with the plan. We saw a difference at the first training.

When they got home, I was extremely strict with them. I really worked hard for the first 2 weeks. They don’t bark in the yard, and they stayed in their spots when told to do so. They sleep in their kennels separately, so we have helped Spencer with his anxiety.

When they got home, I was extremely strict with them. I really worked hard for the first 2 weeks. They don’t bark in the yard, and they stayed in their spots when told to do so. They sleep in their kennels separately, so we have helped Spencer with his anxiety.

I walk them a lot and enjoy it so much. Even my husband says they are so much easier to have around.

We thank Ariana so much for helping our family.

Bryn & Hank

Atlanta, Georgia



I cannot say enough about the exceptional experience we had working with Ariana and Oakley!!! Although I was worried about being away from Diesel, our English Bulldog, for fear he would be lonely and experience separation anxiety, nothing could have been further from the truth!!! Soon I began to wonder if he would want to leave Ariana and come home!! When he did come home after a few weeks with her, he was happy and so eager to please! I have learned that a well-mannered dog is a happier dog, and Ariana made him the happiest boy ever! We have enjoyed the training and the remarkable results, not to mention how delightful Ariana is! We now are able to bring a puppy into our home without fear of any aggression or turmoil!! Thanks, Ariana, for an incredible experience and outcome!! Diesel loves you, and we do too!!

Dr. Sherry Meltz

Atlanta, Georgia











Averill Animal Hospital

Marietta, Georgia



Crossroads Veterinary Hospital

Woodstock, Georgia


North Atlanta

VCA North Atlanta Animal Hospital

Sandy Springs, Georgia



Acworth Animal Hospital

Acworth, Georgia



Dogwood Animal Hospital

Lawrenceville, Georgia



Paulding Animal Clinic

Dallas, Georgia


East Paulding

East Paulding Animal Hospital

Dallas, Georgia


A Plus Premium

A+ Premium Pet Care

Alpharetta, Georgia


Crabapple Animal

Crabapple Animal Hospital

Roswell, Georgia



Shallowford Animal Hospital

Marietta, Georgia



Woodstock Veterinary Hospital

Woodstock, Georgia







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