Marco Iacoboni
"Marco has done a FANTASTIC job training my two Yorkies"
Lisa Echols
Atlanta, Georgia

"We will never be able to thank Marco enough for the time and effort he put into our Rhodesian Ridgeback"

Chris & Tricia Carter
Destin, Florida


Marco was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. His love for animals was apparent at a young age. Family and friends often joked that the Iacoboni household was the “Neighborhood Zoo”. Although Marco cared for a wide variety of pets he bonded with the family dogs in particular.

Years later, Marco graduated from Kent State University and started working as a 3D animator. His availability was more consistent and he was finally ready to start the search for a canine companion. The second he stepped into the rescue shelter he found his dream dog, Bosco. Bosco was a stray pit bull with a lengthy list of medical issues that rendered him weak and helpless. Marco’s decision could not have been easier as he brought Bosco home that day. As time passed, the once sickly dog was now lively and energetic. As his health continued to improve, many behavioral issues started to surface. Bosco had aggressive tendencies that limited his quality of life. Marco could not take Bosco anywhere! He couldn’t even take him for a walk without scaring the neighbors. After working with a handful of different trainers, Marco was finally directed to Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team.

After the training was complete, Marco was amazed by the behavioral transformation he saw in Bosco. He finally had the freedom to take Bosco everywhere. Now, Bosco was going into pet stores, exercising in the park, and even running errands with Marco.

Lorenzo’s theory and training techniques gave Marco the ability to save and protect Bosco. Marco was able to see how professional training can help keep dogs in happy loving homes. Riveted by the process, Marco joined Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team in an effort to replicate his happiness with other dogs and families.

In addition to spending time with dogs, Marco has many hobbies he enjoys. He loves to run and exercise with his personal dogs, Bosco and Forrest. Marco also likes to go hiking, write and record music, and animate cartoons in his spare time.






Kelly White

I highly recommend Marco from Lorenzo's Dog Training!!! Our Boxer/Shepherd mix Jesse is a year old. Marco took her for a month, and she came back the same lovable and happy dog, but now she listens!!! She used to run off the minute the door opened, jump up on everyone who came to visit, and just not listen!

Now Jesse heels, stays on her spot when told, sits, stays, quits barking when you tell her "quiet", etc. Life has become fantastic!! Marco is the best!!!!

Kelly White

Milton, Georgia


Kevin Umstead

Our wonderful Wheaten Terrier puppy, Dudley, was out of control. Dudley would constantly pull on the leash, making walking him impossible. At home, Dudley would not listen to any of our commands, he would not come, would not stay, constantly tried to jump on people, and would bark constantly if left alone for any period of time. We tried to train Dudley with treat training with little to no success. Dudley thought he was the boss and we really needed help.

We were referred to Marco and Lorenzo’s Dog Training Team by our vet. Marco came to our house and gave Dudley a free evaluation. Within a few minutes, Marco showed us that his techniques really work, getting Dudley to respond almost immediately. Over our 8 in-home sessions, Marco helped to teach us how to train Dudley (and ourselves) to respond to our commands. Marco provided all of the tools needed to succeed and followed up with us to make sure we were working with Dudley regularly. I could not believe how quickly Dudley transformed. In just two months, Dudley has graduated from the program and is a completely different dog. Dudley will now walk beside us without pulling, making walks a joy. He sleeps in his own crate without whining/barking. He will sit on his “spot” for hours on end if we need him to. He will also come, sit, lay down, and waits for our command to allow him to walk through doors. Dudley even listens to our commands when he is off his leash. Basically, Dudley is a new dog, and we are so proud of him! Dudley now understands that he is not the boss, and he actually enjoys trying to please us.

Marco is an awesome trainer with a great attitude and a natural ability to teach dogs (and people). He is professional, on-time, and constantly follows up during the process to see how things are going.

Marco even boarded our Dudley for a weekend while we were out of town and kept his training up-to-date. He is patent with the dog and, most importantly, with the owners. Marco made the process fun and enjoyable for our family. I would gladly refer Marco to anyone who needs assistance with dog training. Thank you, Marco, for helping us train our wonderful Dudley.

Kevin Umstead

Marietta, Georgia


Ryan and Rachel Slauer

We adopted Emmy in August, and though she was a great dog, she struggled with certain things: jumping on people, playing with her teeth, tugging on the leash, etc. Now that we’ve worked with Marco, she’s an entirely new dog.

She walks at our heel, stays on her “spot” when we have guests over, and when we allow her to greet guests, she runs up to them and sits down. Now that she behaves herself, we take her with us to public places and family gatherings where she was previously incapable of keeping her cool. She feels more like a companion now that she’s disciplined.

Working with Marco was great. He is friendly and exceptionally professional. He never showed up late (impressive, for Atlanta), communicated regularly with us, and always responded to our questions promptly, and even sent us pictures every couple of days to let us know how Emmy was doing. He was willing to work with us when some of our schedule didn’t match up with the recommended timeline, and Emmy seemed happy when she returned, so we knew he treated her well.

What’s most helpful about Marco’s training is how he taught us to handle a variety of situations. Before, we felt confused about how to train her out of certain behaviors, but now we feel like we have a framework for training her to best fit our lifestyle, so that even though Marco is done with her, we can continue to train her.

Ryan & Rachel Slauer

Atlanta, Georgia


Victoria Beith

Lorenzo’s dog training was the perfect choice for our growing family. We got Pepper as a very young puppy in the summer of 2015, and soon thereafter found out we were also expecting! As we were excited for the news, we were also apprehensive about how to juggle a baby and a puppy, especially as Pepper was exhibiting dominant and aggressive traits, though still a very sweet girl. In order to ensure the safety of our family, we enlisted Marco through Lorenzo’s dog training, and it has since provided the peace of mind and structure we needed. Moreover, Pepper thrives with the skills learned in her training and will be a lovely companion for our new addition come this spring! She is able to live a more fulfilling life through what she learned from Marco, and we have the trust and confidence that she will be the perfect best friend for baby! Thank you, Marco!

Victoria Beith

Atlanta, Georgia


Eric Lawrence

We have had three dogs trained by Lorenzo’s Dog Training and are overjoyed with the obedience of all of our dogs, including our newest dog trained by Marco Iacoboni. The piece of mind knowing that your dog listens to your commands, stays by your side, and will not run or be a liability is priceless, both on and off leash! An obedient dog that even relieves itself on command is a pleasure. Lorenzo’s team is highly professional, takes pride in their service, and gets a positive response even with problem dogs. We highly recommend them for all dogs and would not consider having a pet without their training. We take our dog everywhere without reservations.

Dr. and Mrs. Eric Lawrence

Atlanta, Georgia


Lisa Echols

Marco has done a FANTASTIC job training my two Yorkies, Ethel and Fred! They needed LOTS of obedience training, and TONS of potty training!! Marco took them to live with him for three weeks, and in that time, taught them how to walk on a leash and stay on their designated spots in the house! I am so pleased , I am tickled pink (southern term)! The dogs aren’t the only ones getting trained though. I had weekly training myself with them at my house. I had to practice leash walking, how to hold the leash, how to “correct” correctly, and just being better dogs because of the training. Our training, the dogs and mine, is an ongoing thing still at this point! Ethel still tries to run the show every now and then! I just have to show her who the REAL boss is! I highly recommend this team to train your dog if needed. Please feel free to call me if you need a reference or any questions answered.

Lisa Echols

Atlanta, Georgia


Tricia Carter

We will never be able to thank Marco enough for the time and effort he put into our Rhodesian Ridgeback, Roxy. She is almost three now, and we have had her since she was about 8 weeks. We fell in love with her from the minute we saw her. She won over both of our girls, and she also became VERY attached to our family. When she was a puppy eating socks and small things, that we thought puppies do, we took her to the local puppy classes and training groups. We were unable, with the help of these classes, to get her in a dog crate that she couldn’t break out of while we were gone. We tried every type of crate or so we thought. Our little puppy grew into a very large teen with a ton of energy!!! Everyone said to exercise her more, so we did. That only made her stronger and did not solve the problem of her anxiety. Poor Roxy would know we were getting ready to leave and start shaking. Her entire body would shake uncontrollably. The vet suggested she start taking anxiety meds. We tried two different kinds and she still, at the highest dose, would break out of her crate and eat our house. She was eating door knobs, couches, blinds, bookbags, tax papers, and even pipes which led to flooding in our master bathroom. She was on her way to hurting herself if we didn’t get some help, all because of her anxiety. We both knew that she, nor our family, could live this way anymore. We were scared to leave her at the house to even go to work. So, I reached out to a Florida rescue for Ridgebacks. The thought of having to give her to someone else was breaking our hearts. We couldn’t imagine life without her. The rescue center suggested, and set us up with, Whitney, who in return set us up with Marco. We watched a video of the progress they make with dogs and thought this would be our last chance. The trip to drop her off for a month if not six weeks was tough. They are usually right around the corner but we are five hours away! And to top it off Roxy is not a good car rider!! After the many updates and pictures from Marco (our hero) we were finally on our way to see and bring our Roxy home. When we got to Atlanta for our 3-day cram session we were ready to learn everything Marco could teach us. He was more than patient with us and we were in shock at the new improved Roxy! She stayed in the crate and wasn’t trying to claw or eat her way out!! That to me was everything. Then in the next three days Marco taught us how to handle her and walk her on and off leash, get her to stay on a spot, ride in a car, and stay in the most amazing crate! The craziest thing is that she has NOT been on any meds since he started working with her. She no longer shakes uncontrollably when we leave. She is still a dog in progress but she is no longer the anxious dog with crazy behavior. We can have people over to our house without fear of her jumping all over them, barking at them the entire time they at the house, and she can stay in her crate while we are at work without destroying our house. We have actually had friends that cannot believe that she is the same dog we left with Marco. Marco was able to help Roxy in a way we were not able to. He gave us the tools to keep working with her. She is still a very strong-minded and stubborn dog but is still Our dog!

Thank you, Marco!!

Chris & Tricia Carter

Destin, Florida







Crabapple Knoll

Crabapple Knoll Veterinary Clinic

Alpharetta, Georgia



Crossroads Veterinary Hospital

Woodstock, Georgia



Acworth Animal Hospital

Acworth, Georgia


Sweet Apple

Sweet Apple Animal Hospital

Roswell, Georgia



Paulding Animal Clinic

Dallas, Georgia


East Paulding

East Paulding Animal Hospital

Dallas, Georgia


A Plus Premium

A+ Premium Pet Care

Alpharetta, Georgia



Dog Wash Café (Windward location)

Alpharetta, Georgia



Dog Wash Café (Crabapple location)

Alpharetta, Georgia


Crabapple Animal

Crabapple Animal Hospital

Roswell, Georgia



Shallowford Animal Hospital

Marietta, Georgia



Woodstock Veterinary Hospital

Woodstock, Georgia







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